
© 2017 John Quinn

This page is secured. The your browser should have a lock symbol. This means our communications are encrypted. This will protect your registration information. If the lock is not locked, click here to reload this page securely.

This page allows you to load the public key certificates that enable you to access this server securely. You can also request your own personal certificate and load the resulting certificate into your browser. In fact, you must get a certificate signed by this Certificate authority to enter the secured site, since this Certificate Authority is the only one recognized by the secured site.

Step 1. Certifying Authority

To load the CA certificate into your browser, click here. This will enable you to connect securely to Web server sites certified by the CA. The secure Web Server's certificate was signed by this Certificate Authority, so you must recognize it in order to accept the secure Web Server's certificate. You may also need to load the Root Certificate.

Step 2. Personal Certificate for Your Browser

This will allow the Server to authenticate you. To get your Personal Client Certificate Request fill out the form below and click "Register". Then contact the Server administrator so he can verify your identity and sign your certificate. When the certificate is signed, you will get an email with a link that will load the signed certificate in your browser.

Email Address
Your name
Organization name
Organization Unit
Key size
Step 3. Load Personal Certificate into Your Browser

To load your personal certificate into your browser, either click on the link provided in the email, or enter the certificate's serial number here, and click the button:

Step 4. Connect using Personal Certificate

To connect to secure, authenticated server using your new client certificate, click here.